Sonus Faber fans: Liuto vs. Cremona Auditor M?

These two Sonus Faber products are now close in price, as the Auditors are being discounted.

Anyone compared them and have thoughts?

I mostly listen to classical and jazz in a moderate sized room; bass isn't that important to me.

Thanks for your opinions!

Showing 2 responses by jpbas1

Months... almost a year since this original post... does this still ring true for everyone? I just purchased a pair of Liuto's with the potential to own the Cremona M auditor's in graphite (a beautiful color). Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

For the record the Liuto's sound amazing... are the Cremona M's that much sweeter?

Thanks in advance...
The Cremona's have since found a new home in my listening space... and all I can say is "wow." Detailed but retaining musicality throughout. Less warm than the Liuto's but that may also be because the Cremona M Auditor's utilize free-space and sound much more open than the Liuto's.

Oh well... next stop; Guarneri... :)