Sonus Faber Extrema vs. Guarneri

As I dream & wonder- Has anyone compared these two speakers? Differences? Similarities? Your preference & reasons?

I know there's a new & pricey Guarneri Momento as well. Big Bucks!

Showing 1 response by stokm001

...another perspective. The 2 speakers don't lend themselves to simple comparison. Extrema is an outstanding "full range" monitor, moves a lot of air, great dynamic range, large power requirements and has looks one either loves...or chooses to tolerate. Guarneri is a limited range monitor (requiring good sub IMO), pairs great w standard tube amplification and has imaging and nuance detail on voice/chamber settings that is tough to beat...but not a rocker by any means. I haven't heard the new Momento version.
I think music preference and listening style become a decisive factor. Both have "rave" followers.