Sonus Faber or not??

I'm currently using a single run of Alpha-Core silver with factory jumpers and Wolcott monoblocks..I've been told that these speakers sound far better using a single run, but I've had positive experiences bi-wiring other speakers, or is the fact that I'm using tubes that the bass seems weak.
Thanks in advance for your responses.

Showing 1 response by jcbtubes

As far as "weak bass", the Extrema is a very amplifier demanding speaker. As expected, you get great lower midrange on up with tubes on this speaker, but the bottom-end would prefer solidstate for maximum control and authority. You'll have to decide which is most important to you. (Single run of "the best" speaker cable provides the best cohesive sound, top to bottom. Double-runs of the same "the best" wire did provide small improvements, but the cost is excessive given the gains.) Just my .02. Goodluck