Sonus Faber Cremona Vs. Dynaudio Contour S3.4


Am building a new system based on a ML pre-power combination. Speakers on my shortlist are:

1. Sonus Faber Cremona
2. Dynaudio Contour S3.4

I have read the various reviews on the S3.4 posted but have yet to read ones for the Cremona.

I am afraid that with the ML, the more neutral sounding Dynaudio's may be bright on the top end. I understand that SF's tend to have a rolled off top end in the past and are more musical.

Opinions appreciated.



Showing 2 responses by semi

Owned many Dynaudio (Confidence 5, 1.3SE, DIY Gemini) and Sonus Faber (Extrema, Amati Homage, Cremona, Cremona Auditor, Electa Amator, Grand Piano Home, etc) in the past, they both are wonderful speakers. I would vote for Dynaudio if you like to listen loud and have tons of power to drive them, but they can be finicky in system matching. However, if you like to enjoy your music rather than analyzing it, you can't go wrong with Sonus Faber. My current choice is Amati Homage over Temptation or C4, but I would love to have both if money and space allow.

It's hard to choose between dark and white chocolate, it all depends on your mood and craving.

Jonathan has a good point on your associated equipments. My recommendation is to loan the smaller version of both from local dealer to hear system matching. i.e, borrow the Audior and S1.4 home and see which one mates better with your front end.

I will have to respectfully disagree with pendulus. I auditioned the Amati/Temptation/C4 in a local store. Even though Temptation was the overall winner, but Amati clearly outshined Temptation in classical music, large or small orchestral work. SF speakers are known for their silky and delicate high, a tribute of top Scanspeak tweeter which uses no ferrofluid which will improve speed and micro dynamic. I have owned Dynaudio C5 for many years, one of the very best Dynaudio ever made (better than C4 IMHO), and C5 still can't compete with Amati especially in string music.

If accuracy is what you are after, you should consider Wilson Watt/Puppy. But apparently you also like to enjoy your music, so YOU have to decide which one you like more.