Sonus Faber Cremona Vs. Dynaudio Contour S3.4


Am building a new system based on a ML pre-power combination. Speakers on my shortlist are:

1. Sonus Faber Cremona
2. Dynaudio Contour S3.4

I have read the various reviews on the S3.4 posted but have yet to read ones for the Cremona.

I am afraid that with the ML, the more neutral sounding Dynaudio's may be bright on the top end. I understand that SF's tend to have a rolled off top end in the past and are more musical.

Opinions appreciated.



Showing 1 response by lomu9564


It could be break in you know. There are posts on Audio Asylum specifically mentioning break in for the Contour S3.4, with the poster saying that it needs at least 100 hours otherwise the treble is bright.

I am not a whiz with posting links otherwise I would have posted the link for you.

I'd say a tube pre would help with Krell stuff but you may need to be careful with impedance matching.