Sonus Faber Cremona Vs. Dynaudio Contour S3.4


Am building a new system based on a ML pre-power combination. Speakers on my shortlist are:

1. Sonus Faber Cremona
2. Dynaudio Contour S3.4

I have read the various reviews on the S3.4 posted but have yet to read ones for the Cremona.

I am afraid that with the ML, the more neutral sounding Dynaudio's may be bright on the top end. I understand that SF's tend to have a rolled off top end in the past and are more musical.

Opinions appreciated.



Showing 2 responses by keithr

Yes, the Hovland is a tube preamp. I have heard this combo numerous times at Singer in NYC. Krell has high impedance, so works well with tube pres (amp does have to be altered for tube pres as i recall). I wouldn't say it smooths out the highs, but that the midrange is fleshed out wonderfully. With the Krells rock-solid bass, a nice combo.
My "ideal" setup when I almost bought C2s was a Hovland pre/Krell 400cx. I had 1.3SEs at the time.

Krell/Plinius are typical amp matches for Dyns. The latest iterations of the Krell FPBs are not bright to me in the least btw.