Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors - Room Size


I liked the way SF Cremona Auditors present music. I like totem sound as well. But SF Cremona Auditors sounded a bit better to my taste. But I have a doubt whether such a small monitor with 6" woofer can fill a 20 x 20 room with music or not. The other options I like are SF Grand Piano Domus (a lot more than I want to pay), Totem Forest and Totem Hawk. Can you please let me know how will cremna auditor perform in a 20 x 20 room. I am thinking of pairing SF (both GP and Cremona Auditor) with cary SLI 80.


Showing 2 responses by howie

How high are your ceilings? It depends on your musical tastes and volume levels you play music at. Personally, I think you'll be fine. The Auditors like a little bit of room to breathe anyways.
To my knowledge and in my experience, Sonus Faber speakers actually work better with higher ceilings, but probably not with 18ft ceilings in mind (wow that's high). I think it comes down to speaker positioning and how far you're willing to go to make it work. If you're going to have the speakers placed close to the walls and your listening position way out in the back, I would say no it wouldn't work so well.

I think it'll work better if you treat the room as if it's a much smaller room. Obviously you have to set up the speakers properly. But I think you might want to set it up using more common distances such as having them 8-9ft apart, 3-6ft from the side walls (not equal of course). But more importantly, you probably want to have the listening position much closer, near the center of the room rather than 1/3 into the room from the back. Even with other speakers, you might be better off dividing up the space in your room rather than utilizing the entire space. I'll let others with more direct experience to comment.