Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors or Olympica I

I am looking to buy a pair of Sonus Faber monitors to go in my living room, a less than ideal listening space. On the used market the cost of a pair of newer Olympica I are slightly more than the cost of the older Cremona (or Cremona M) Auditors. Right now I have a pair of full-size Liutos that I really like but I think they’re a little too big for the space. My associated equipment is all PS Audio (Memory Player transport, DSD DAC, BHK Preamp, BHK amp).

I am looking for recommendations/insights into the strengths and weaknesses of one vs the other. My understanding is that the Olympica is a different sound from the Cremonas. Some have said that the Cremonas sound a lot like the Guarneri Mementos at half the price. I listen mostly to jazz and vocalists (Sinatra, Bobby Short, Diana Krall, James Taylor, etc.)


Showing 1 response by lostbears

 First let me say that I am a big  Sonus Faber fan. I own the Elipsa SE Red speakers. I had the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors in my system a few years ago. I think they were the M version but can't say for sure. I was not impressed. 

 I have also heard the Olympica 1s at my dealer with electronics very similar to mine. I thought they were very good, especially for their price. The best way is to go hear a pair at a dealer. See if you can take them home for the weekend. If you like them you might even ask if he wants to sell his demo pair. That is what I did.

 In general the older Sonus Faber speakers are more romantic sounding while the newer ones are more detailed and modern sounding.