Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors or Olympica I

I am looking to buy a pair of Sonus Faber monitors to go in my living room, a less than ideal listening space. On the used market the cost of a pair of newer Olympica I are slightly more than the cost of the older Cremona (or Cremona M) Auditors. Right now I have a pair of full-size Liutos that I really like but I think they’re a little too big for the space. My associated equipment is all PS Audio (Memory Player transport, DSD DAC, BHK Preamp, BHK amp).

I am looking for recommendations/insights into the strengths and weaknesses of one vs the other. My understanding is that the Olympica is a different sound from the Cremonas. Some have said that the Cremonas sound a lot like the Guarneri Mementos at half the price. I listen mostly to jazz and vocalists (Sinatra, Bobby Short, Diana Krall, James Taylor, etc.)


Showing 3 responses by excelit

I have the original auditors. If I'm not mistaken, they're one of the last speakers that Serblin designed himself. I've read that it's one of his favorite design aside from the Minima.
I run it with a Jadis Defy 7. 
It took a while for me to acquire it here in Audiogon because if it's priced below $3000 for the original or M, it's gone fast. They rarely appear for sale.
I have'nt heard the Olympica, but I've heard some other current SF models and they do sound more modern. The original Serblin designs were definitely colored but for me more involving and moving.
They need to be set up at least 4 feet from rear wall and 3 feet from side
I have them raked up a bit because I listen nearfield in a small room.
After attending THE show and listening to speakers like gamut 2 way monitors costing $20,000, (both have scanspeak revelator drivers),
I believe the auditors sounds almost as good

I heard them at THE show. I can't remember which model but its a two way.
Looks like a cello.
They are one of the speakers I was impressed at the show.
The sound was very cohesive between the electrostatic tweeter and dynamic woofer. 
They were also positioned a few feet from the rear wall, so I don't know if they're as finicky as the auditors.
Compared to the auditor, I like the top end of the Lawrence better, and although the auditor has pretty good upper bass, I think the lawrence is a touch more solid in that bass area. But I believe the model I was listening to had an 8 inch woofer compared to the auditor's 6.
I know this is not much help since I can't remember the Lawrence model.
But I liked the sound.
I actually thought to myself that people should be swarming to listen to the Lawrence. Maybe  lack of brand recognition?

Yes it was the violins I listened to. There's a cherry finish listed for $3690 with free shipping. Sounds very inviting as a deal.
I have to say it sounded smoother than the auditors. Don't get me wrong, I love my auditors, but I think the violins with its ribbon tweeters and 8 inch mid woofers do sound more "effortless". and sound more full range than the auditors. However, I believe I don't think I can shoehorn the violin into my small listening room (11 x 12 x 9) as I did my auditors
The only drawback is that it does not have the brand recognition and is made in a country not widely know for building high end speakers.
BUT if sound is all that matters.....