Sonus Faber Amati vs. Wilson Sasha V (and perhaps vs. Focal n3)

I am looking to upgrade my dual-purpose home theatermusic system. Currently I have a 5.2 system with Focal speakers (Aria line) driven by a Marantz Cinema 30 + Emotiva XPA-5. Source is Tidal with Wiim Pro. 

I will replace the Emotiva with a McIntosh Mc462 + Mc255 (saving the two additional channels for a possible expansion to 7.2 down the road). I also plan to add a C2800 for 2-channel listening through its HT Bypass.

I am torn, though, on the speaker choice. At first, I was considering the Focal Sopra 3s since I am relatively happy with the Arias. However, the more I read, the more I was drawn the Sonus Faber Amati. It is a gorgeous speaker, and seems to garner significant praise for its musicality. I worry, though, about its dynamics for HT duty. The matching center (the Vox) is also extremely expensive, especially compared to the Sopra center.

I also started to consider the Wilson Sasha V. I have also admired Wilson speakers and I think the design, while polarizing, might fit with our contemporary decor more so than the very traditional Amatis. The Sashas, though, are 50% more than the Amatis and Wilson seems to have its fair share of detractors. 

I plan to find time to audition each of these, but it will be in a dealer’s showroom and probably won’t accurately reflect the experience in my (less than ideal) room. I’d very appreciate any thoughts or opinions on these three speakers and how they might compare. Thank you!


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During my extended audition of the Sonus Faber Liliums the dealer had them powered by the McIntosh Mc451 dual mono monoblock amps.  Sounded fantastic with top tier MSB Dac and I believe MSB preamp. The reviews I read/viewed often have them powered by the more powerful McIntosh Mc901 dual mono monoblocks.