Sonist vs Zu...Anyone?

Has anyone compared the Sonist floorstander to either the Zu Druid or better yet the new Essence speakers. They look like the ticket for SET amps. There aren't any dealers in my area.

Showing 1 response by ludimagis

I'm curious about the Sonist 3 also. I used Zu Druid for about a year and really liked them; good to very good with any type of music. The Druid were replaced by my Tekton Design Uruz, which are somewhat similar to the Sonist in that they utilize ribbon tweeter's and paper cone woofer's.

I preferred the Uruz,..more natural sounding and extremely good with acoustical, chamber, vocalist's, & jazz;..although the Druid are better with rock n roll.

There is a couple of reviews for the smaller Sonist 2 on his website. Sounds as though Randy has done a good job with integrating the 2 different types of drivers into a coherent whole. Hope someone has comments about the floorstanders.