Sonics of Streaming

Reviewers, both here and in the audio press, speak of vast sonic differences among the many DAC-less streamers/network players on the market. Leaving aside features such as ease of use, variety of outputs etc., what internal design elements dictate inferiority/superiority in fidelity and the enormous range in pricing? My ancient analog brain can't grasp how Model X on a given ethernet cable can render streaming audio so differently from Model A+ on the same cable when both use the very same cables, DAC, amplification chain, and loudspeakers.

Advance thanks for a brief tutorial to guide my planned "upgrade." 

Showing 1 response by crn3371

Streamers don’t all sound the same for the same reason that all DACs don’t sound the same. They’re still processing the digital signal, and slight differences in circuitry and components lead to slight differences in sound.