Sonic quality of the Denon DV 5900.

I am currently waitng for my Denon 5900 to be delivered.
I will be hooking this up to a Krell Home Theater Standard 7.1 preamp. My amps are Krell KAV 2250 and 3250.
In the past I have been dissapointed by the sonic quality of my DVD SACD DVDA player,especially for two channel.
So how do you all think the Denon performs in two channel or should I add a two channel CD player?
Look into a Denon 2900 with an Exemplar Audio Modification,
Your search for a Reference caliber 2 Channel player will be over for a very long time.
The Denon 5900(or A-11) is very good in 2ch. No need to add any other player. I sometimes have a hard time finding the differences between the Denon and my CEC TL2/Meridian 566DAC combo on redbook. As they are in difference systems, I cannot conclusivly say that which is better. As it sounds, the Denon is already very impressive.
In addition to Exemplar, Underwood and ModWright also offer upgrades to the 5900 (and other players, of course), which I find very attractive. I have a 5900 on its way to Dan at ModWright for the Signature Truth Tube mod, MCH mod, analog slipstream Bybee mod, and perhaps some other tweaks. I can't wait to get it in my system!
