Sonic quality of Marantz SA 1 for CDs?

Can anyone out there give me an idea of their experience with the Marantz on regular Cds? Seems to be differing opinions out there ( so; Grammophone..."one of the best CD players ever, beside the SACD capabilities" Which is it? Thanks

Showing 2 responses by jtinn

I thought as far as CD players go, it was very good. I personally like the sound of a very good separate transport and DAC combination. The Linn CD12 is the exception. I really think having the SACD is worth a bit of sacrifice on the CD side.
Hey Brulee: I just thought the CD side lost a bit of depth and warmth. But there is no doubt that the SACD spanked anything else I have ever heard, including vinyl. Viva le SACD :)