Sonic inpact of spike/floor protectors

Just wondering:

We all know about the sonic benefits of using spikes under our speakers. But doesn't putting those little puck-like floor protectors between the spikes and the floor negate the benefits of using the spikes? Since the idea behind the spikes is to mechanically ground the speakers by concentrating the contact point of the speaker/floor interface, it seems to me that by using the floor protectors we are defeating the benefits. Why not skip the spikes altogether, if damaging the floor is out of the question? What am I missing here? Thoughts please.

Showing 3 responses by stanhifi

Theaudiotweak, why are you registered as a private user if you are a Starsound dealer? Just curious.
>>Hifistan you work for Adona don't you.<<
No I don't.

>>Just curious,tell us your thoughts and experiences with various coupling methods,devices and materials versus your experience with isolation methods or materials.<<
50+ plus years as an audio hobbyist and trained musician.

>>I am a Starsound dealer and have been for a couple years.<<
Then you should register as a commercial user here not a private individual

>>I have worked in the audio retail industry for over 30years...for others.<<

>>I do not sell product over the WEB....<<
Of course you do. Look at most of your posts here on Audiogon which allude to one product or another that you sell

>>My advice and experience is what I have to offer and its free, take it or leave it.<<
Your advice is tainted by a fiduciary interest in your products

>>I do have a patent pending on a acoustic coupling device for musical instruments. It is mine and is shared with no other individual or company<<

>>What sir do you have to offer in experience, or technical backround?<<
Unlike you an unbiased and honest evaluation of this thread's and other threads contents based on 50 years of experience.

>>And why do you seem to follow me around on these threads?<<
Challenging misguided opinions and misstatements.

>>Are you a stalker or what?<<
I was responding to tweakman's questions. So the initiator gets moderator priveleges? Must be a new Agon policy. :-) You're a funny guy though. Have a great evening. All my best.