Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 MKIII

Anyone have a chance to hear this processor? This is the only 24/96 SF product (outside of Assemblage) and is fully balanced. What would one expect to see the unit for on Audiogon?

Ag insider logo xs@2xakimball

Showing 1 response by akimball

Well, I will be the proud owner of the MkIII and D2D-1 here when UPS hands it over. I am excited. As for obsolete - my only concern is that SF is no longer making SF tube gear.. only anthem HT stuff. Upsamping is upsampling - and if you can hear a difference between 24/96 and 24/192 your ears are much better than mine. I really believe SF put real thought into their designs and the fully balanced configuration is rare in the world of 24/96 - not to mention SF's reputation for sonic excellence. BTW: I paid what I think is an astoundingly low amount for the MKIII, D2D, and cable.. $1750 shipped. Is this a good deal?
