Sonic Frontiers Line 2, Heaven or Hell?

Looking for recommendations here concerning a pre amp swap. I am currently using a Linn Kolecktor but wanting to go the tube route with a preamp. The Linn has a MM phono section and not a perfect match for my 2.5 mv MC cart.
Should I look for a tube preamp that has a MC phono stage or go with 2 separate pieces?
I am currently auditioning a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 that has no phono stage. I like the warmth of tubes and with some rolling should be able to get it dialed in to a sound I like.
If I keep it, then I will just probably pickup a Phonomena pre for the phono. If the Sonic goes away then I am back to looking for a tube preamp with a phono section that is flexible to accept a variety of carts.
As always I like to get a lot of bang for the buck.

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Volume problem with SF Line series is easy to fix, just order the optical encoder from Chris or other online vendor and replace it yourself. Took me an hour or two to fix, save the shipping hassle and cost.