Sonic Frontiers Line 2, Heaven or Hell?

Looking for recommendations here concerning a pre amp swap. I am currently using a Linn Kolecktor but wanting to go the tube route with a preamp. The Linn has a MM phono section and not a perfect match for my 2.5 mv MC cart.
Should I look for a tube preamp that has a MC phono stage or go with 2 separate pieces?
I am currently auditioning a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 that has no phono stage. I like the warmth of tubes and with some rolling should be able to get it dialed in to a sound I like.
If I keep it, then I will just probably pickup a Phonomena pre for the phono. If the Sonic goes away then I am back to looking for a tube preamp with a phono section that is flexible to accept a variety of carts.
As always I like to get a lot of bang for the buck.

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I would not quite label it hell. I did own one, and my general reaction was it made a better dynamic range compresser than a preamp. No wait, make that a dynamic range limiter. lol ...Think doctor's office waiting room sound system.