Sonic Frontier Line One with Class D Amp?

I am putting together my 1st dedicated 2 Channel System.
After stripping down my Home Theater I am left with a Pair of B&W Matrix 802S3 Speakers. Yesterday I purchased a Sonic Frontiers Line One Preamp, now I need an amp. My budget is $750 to $1000. (Preferable closer to $750)

I am leaning towards Class D Amps,mostly because I figure I can get my best bang for the buck with Class D. Right now I am leaning towards a Bel Canto S300 or Jeff Rowland Model 102. Does anyone have any opinions on how one of these Class D Amps would match up with my Sonic Frontiers Line One and B&W Matrix 802S3??



My Budget is $750.00 to $1000.00. (Preferably closer to $750)
Coffey, I have just received confirmation from JRDG that the 102 model is not meant for extreme loudspeaker designs that operate in the 2 Ohm impedance range. G.
Thanks everyone for all the help, but in the end I did not buy a Class D Amp. After reading the Jeff Rowland only output 11 Amps Peak Current per side, I was a little worried it was not enough power for my B&W Matrix 802S3's

I ended up buying a "Musical fidelity A3CR" 12O watt per channel into 8ohms, 70 amps Peak Current. It was available locally for a decent price, so I jumped on it. I listened to it at low levels last night (Wife and Kiddies were sleeping)for a couple hours and so far I really like what I hear. If I feel I need more power I can always add a second one later because A3CR has outputs so it can be bi-amped.

Thanks again for all your help.
