Sonic Differences Between 2-Way and 3-Way Speakers

I have owned a succession of 2-way loudspeakers. I have read comments suggesting that there are certain things 2-way speakers excel at and other things that 3-ways do better. What have I been missing?
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Showing 1 response by tweety

HI Drubin,
My last four speakers have been two-ways and my last one I have really enjoyed. From what I hear a two -way is easier to design and get right . You are only crossing over to one driver and the crossover is less complex. Also you do not have to worry about another driver and its problems. The real magic and brains come into play with the designer and his knowledge of speaker building, you can mess up both designs or make a two or three way sound great. If the speaker you have chosen makes you happy than you have not been missing anything.