Songs that trigger you to switch the station or...

It's sucks now in North Carolina. July, August and almost all September in high 90's and now we're down to low 50's with non-stop rain for couple of week straight-up.

GnR song "November Rain" immediately triggered my hand to shut that damn radio down!

Outside of weather nomination I'd do same if I hear "Stairway To Heaven", "Born In The USA",

Showing 1 response by nicotico

Been a listener since I was a kid back in the '70s. When these guys come on I simply cannot take it anymore and must change the channel: Steve Miller (most of it) Eagles (most of it), Elton John (most of it), Aerosmith (all of it), Pat Benetar (hate that angry-woman rock thing). Can see how Journey would have that effect on people, however I agree with Bojack that Perry's voice ranks way up there.