Songs Faber Olympica III

Just got a pair of these speakers. I’ll be setting them up tonight. Hoping that I can benefit from the accumulated wisdom here...

Any tips from current owners? Setup, positioning, burn-in (although mine were previously owned, so burn-in shouldn’t be an issue), spikes versus no spikes (mine are on hardwood floors in the basement, meaning there's a concrete slab underneath), etc.

(I do know that I have the choice of positioning them so that the ports will either face outward or inward, and I glean from reviews that I should try it both ways to see what sounds best in my room.)

Any tips are greatly appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by chipcarterdc

Thanks for all your responses!

FYI, I started with the ports facing outward just because that's how they happened to be arranged when I brought them downstairs to the listening room.  I plan to leave them this way for a couple of days; then switch to having them facing inward; then see which way sounds best.  Anything in particular I should be looking for in terms of how inward v outward would affect the sound?

Note that my listening room is pretty compact, so they're currently about two feet our from the front wall and two feet from each side wall. 

Also, a question: did yours come with different height spikes? The instructions say the smaller spikes should be place in the rear and the larger spikes in the front, in order to give the speakers a slight upward tilt.  However, my spikes are all exactly the same size...
Just noticed that auto-correct changed "Sonus" in the title of this thread to "Songs."  Sorry about that!

Question: I am going to try bi-wiring these speakers.  I have a Macintosh 2275 integrated amp, which has 4ohm, 6ohm, an 8ohm taps.  Currently, the speakers are attached to the 4ohm tap running into the high inputs (using the bridge that came installed on the speakers).

For bi-wiring, which taps should I use? 8Ohm taps connected to the high inputs on both speakers and 4Ohm taps connected to the low inputs on both speakers? Or vice versa?

Bi-wired them this evening: sound quality jumps out as *noticeably* better in back to back A/B comparison.  Will need some time listening to them as bi-wired to be able to describe/quantify the improvements. 

Question: what would happen if I connected the low/bass input to the 2ohm taps rather than the 4ohm, and then either left the high input connected to the 8ohm or moved it down to the 4ohm?

By "what would happen," I mean both "what would one expect to hear" and "am I going to blow something up if I do this"?
Thanks for all your responses!

Dealer is sending me the shorter spikes.

Starting to form solid impressions now after a few days. Really enjoying them. I’ve noticed that i do need to have the volume a tad higher than I usually do for them to really sing. At low levels, they sound quite good but pretty laid back/a bit too "polite". Just a slight volume increase really brings them to life. And no, not just because they’re louder: everything improves (width and depth of soundstage, separation of the instruments, realism of the vocals, etc.)