Sonance powered sub quits working

I have a 150 watt sub that works for a few minutes than makes clicking sounds after that...Also sometimes it wont even come on as stand by light will stay red and not go green..when it was playing i switched the thx switch from adjustable to thx and it quit working..
Is this a power supply issue.
I was using speaker level inputs,not rca cable,,could that matter
It plays for few minutes than just stops,,when i hit the thx switch from normal to thx it will kill it too..when i turn on power switch after that it clicks
clicking could be servo control?

perhaps the sub shuts off when there is no signal, might be a switch to keep always on.

i had a paradigm servo 15 that could act how you describe your sub, unless you mean that your sub stops working when there is an actual signal for it to reproduce.