Something For The Fuse Guys ...

There are fuses, and then, there are fuses. 

I'm evaluating some prototype fuses that I received in the mail three days ago. 

Over the past few years, I've used fuses from five different manufacturers. The last three were the Red, Black and Blue fuses from Synergistic Research. Each one incrementally improved the sound of my system. My favorite so far was the SR Blue. 

The prototype fuses being evaluated presently raises the SQ beyond all of the others mentioned above. The major improvement to my ears is better tonal accuracy. Instruments and voices are more life-like. The noise is reduced allowing for a more solid 3-D presentation with the musicians more solidly presented on the sound stage. Overall, more information is fleshed out of CDs and LPs. 

The manufacturer, the price and the name of the prototype fuses will come later. I don't have the information thus far. My understanding is, if all works out, the release date is to be mid-October. 

Stay tuned ... 


Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

He who laughs last laughs best. Thanks pragmash for letting me have the last word. 🤡 Were you raised my Amish too? 😳
“I have a feeling that some people here would claim my fridge is in the signal path because it's plugged into the same ring main).”

And the reason they would claim that is because it’s true. You just said it yourself. Hel-loo! 🤡
As fate would have it I don’t even have any fuses. Good luck to you sir! 🤡
Exactly! I choose the high end. You can choose whatever’s left. 🤡
No, my approach it isn’t what you said. Not at all. Your approach takes tens of thousands of combinations. There are too many combinations. You said so yourself. My approach only has the minimum combinations. Your approach can never work at all.

There is no substitute for thimking.
Sorry, that’s a ridiculous and absurd approach.

Very few people have 10 fuses but whether they have 10 fuses or 1 fuse, the only approach that makes sense is to first decide which fuse you want based on reviews, testimony and price, whatever. You have to make up your mind. It’s the same with cables or speakers. You don’t have the luxury of trying everything.

Next, you buy fuses and replace your original fuses one at a time - checking each fuse for directionality as you go. 🔜 Then repeat the process to double check each fuse for directionality. The end. It’s not rocket science. 🚀
I don’t see too many SR ads here other than by individuals so that probably makes you a rube. No offense. 
Yes, I noticed, as well. You are merely informing us of your test results prior to the retail release of an SR product about to be advertised here, to the benefit of Audiogon.

>>>>To the benefit to Audiogon? Really? How so?
Not bad, but maybe you should pick up a copy of Jokes for the John. My mother told me when I get out of school I’ll have to work hard but I said no I don’t because I was going to be a comedian.
No such thing as a viscous circle. Rrrrrrrrr-ruff! Maybe there’s a passive aggressive tetrahedron.  🤡
By no small coincidence Lithium battery inventors were just awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry as we speak. Works for me. 🤡
I would certainly buy an Orange 🍊fuse if I had some place to put it. Please, no wisecracks. 🤡 Am I correct in assuming no fuse is still better than ANY fuse, including the new Orange 🍊fuse?
They should charge a premium for used fuses. They’re already broken in. 🤡
The Last Tweak Syndrome. Just when you swear your system can’t possibly get any better you do something that makes you say, Wow, now it’s twice as good! Then you’re thinking, now it REALLY can’t get any better. Then you do something that makes it twice as good again. By now you’re totally convinced the sound has peaked and there’s now way in hell the sound can possibly get any better. That’s the Last Tweak Syndrome.

The average Joe Blow - “My system sounds fabulous!”
Obviously you did something wrong. That’s kind of the way the cookie crumbles. 🤗
Is that a promise or a threat? Oh, and while you’re away see if someone can loan you a sense of humor.
What I’m afraid of is that some serious limitations to and ineffectiveness of our education system is being exposed here for all to see. Not only was there a failure to learn much of anything the first time around but, if I may be so bold, there appears to be a deeply ingrained resistance to or inability to learn anything new. 
I’ve always enjoyed your witty comebacks. Whatever happened to them?
I already posted how to make the perfect fuse. Probably a couple of times. It’s not really that difficult. At least not for me. Geez, you could even fill the darn thing with beeswax 🐝  if you could find a small enough drill.
Actually, the real conclusion to draw is that hopping 🐸  off the AC grid entirely and EVERYTHING connected to it and going battery power, solar panel power, whatever turns you ON 🔛 is the best course of action. That should be crystal clear by now, you know, after seeing the long line of brave little fancy fuses come and go for almost 20 years. Besides, we need more feedback on the new fuse in town, so far we only have one data point. No offense.

NO FUSE at all is better than ANY fuse. Much lower noise and distortion. I’m not hot doggin ya! 🌭 A lot cheaper, too. 🤗

Of course the other conclusion one can draw is that because fuses are directional all cables, power cords, all internal wiring, all capacitors, transformers, etc. are also directional. 🔜
I’m speechless. Did you get your audio engineering degree off the back of a matchbook cover? The fuses are all in the signal path. 🔜 That’s why they’re audible. Hel-loo! Now, run right down to that school and demand your money back! 🏃🏻‍♂️
Wow! Did I just read that? Wolfie opines that fuses are generally not (rpt not) in the signal path. Obviously, Wolfie doesn’t even know what the signal is. Tsk, tsk! And you call yourself an audio engineer. 
I totally agree with the previous post with the exception of one thing. The sonic difference in fuse direction isn’t a small one. My apologies to anyone who thinks so. Don’t believe Me? Try switching the direction of any stock, run of the mill fuse anywhere in the system. Of course, it is possible to psych yourself out. 😬
What’s next, Wolfie, are you going to dispute people who hear speaker cable and interconnect directionality, too? I dare you! Even you wouldn’t be that crazy. Would you?
Fuse directionality is a myth...prove that to yourself by reversing the fuse in any component and note that the sound doesn’t change one iota, regardless of the hyperbole and silly claims otherwise.

>>>>It looks like it’s you against the 100,00 who can hear fuse directionality, big guy. Have you tried candling your ears? 🕯 
Hey, it’s a hobby. Get over it! People chose what they want to believe.

As for your snippy remark re metal cryo I was one of the very first to use cryo for metal and other materials processing way back when you were wearing bell bottoms, Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 
Dear Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 I’m afraid you need to take your troubles up with someone who cares. I do not (rpt not) use HiFi Tuning or their data sheets to justify my position. I actually am not trying to prove anything. I do not subscribe to the idea that a drop in resistance is the REASON for directionality, it’s only a clue. A lead, as detectives say. In fact, I have pointed out the obvious mistakes in the HiFi Tuning fuse data many times right here on these fora. So please stop putting words in my mouth!

Now, what is interesting, for the novice like yourself, is how consistent the differences in measured voltage drop are with *listening experience*. And how consistent the improvement in voltage drop is after cryogenic treatment.

So, at a minimum, I think it’s fair to say - based on the measurements data - SOMETHING IS GOING ON. 🤗 it’s not near as BLACK AND WHITE as you believe. A listener who doesn’t have a learning or hearing disorder can almost always tell when a fuse is in the correct direction. Even when the fuse is an ordinary Littelfuse or Busmann. We don’t need no stinking measurements! 😛 Some people would rather fight 🥊 than switch 🔛
Addendum - The advantage of the diode symbol 🔜 on HiFi Tuning fuses is that it makes it easier to tell which way the fuse was inserted when experimenting with directionality. I.e., makes the fuse cosmetically non-symmetrical.
HiFi Tuning started off claiming that fuses break in correctly no matter which way they were first inserted. But later, about the time they had an independent testing company look into directionality of fuses, they changed their tune, as it were, after the results of the testing, including listening tests, was completed.The results of the tests appear on the HiFi Tuning website as the so called Data Sheets, which shows measurements of voltage drop across various fuses, both directions, including HiFi Tuning fuses, with and without Fuses were tested in both DC and AC circuits.
Oh, geez, not the cat again. RIP Fluffy. Am I being too cruel to suggest they’re putting the same thing in the water up in Vermont or wherever as they do down under?
Good ones! I haven’t ever heard that before. 🙄 You’re a quick learner, Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 Feel free to use that as your moniker. 
Sometimes it is. So yes, Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 Have you figured out why aftermarket fuses sound so good or did you give up? 🤡
That’s about what I would expect from a pinhead, jitter. How was that? Or am I losing my touch?
Roberttt, you gave me quite a scare. For a moment I thought you might try to peer review me right here on the ‘Gon. 😬
You might not recall the dufus comedian Kenny Bania who made that remark when Jerry gave him some crappy jokes to use in his routine. Otherwise you might not be inclined to use it so frequently. 😬 Why do they call it Ovaltine? it’s not oval. Why don’t they call it Roundtine? 🤗
Getting back to reality for a sec it wasn’t until relatively recently that some audiophile fuses’ costs soared. The original fuses by HiFi Tuning in Germany and Isoclean in Japan (UL certified, as if audiophiles give a rat’s behind) were all around 50-100 bucks. Even on The Cable Co. website page for fuses, the majority are 20-50 bucks. I am guessing somewhat in saying there are 10 aftermarket fuse companies, most of which are probably wondering where their next meal is coming from. 

Then along came Synergistic and Audio Magic around ten years ago with higher prices. HiFi Tuning swore up and down fuses were not directional but rather burned in properly no matter which way they were inserted initially, but later changed their tune, as it were. Now we know that all,fuses, even run if the mill Busmann and Littelfuse, are directional. Good luck to any fuse company selling any more fuses as it seems there’s a Big Boy in town. Unless I miss my guess a $150 dollar price tag won’t deter very many serious (read rabid) audiophiles. It’s just a hunch. 🤡
The name is Geoff. Don’t wear it out. Try not to be such a newbie. 
The funny thing is nonoise, not one of "strong" advocates of boutique fuses can offer any solid explanation of why a fuse could be better or worse. I mean like literally, I don’t think I have seen any of these so called experts make a claim for it ... (well other than a misunderstanding of how electricity works leading to an erroneous conclusion ... ).

>>>>Ah, the old, I have been unable to find the explanation anywhere, excuse. There is a reason for being able to search the threads here. I and others have provided all the gory details many times. Let your fingers do the walking. You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? 🤡