Something Fishy with Brian Hoyer

Hey everyone, I see other reviews about this person but I was ghosted by Brian Hoyer. I have confirmation that the money was received by him. It's been months. I am working with the local authorities for next steps.  Please beware. 




You guys don't have the right Brian Hoyer. This person is NOT the football player.

Hey Dodger99 - You're now the 5th Audiogoner we know of.  Same MO.  Take the money and run/ghost. 

Please see the other thread in this forum at:

Or else just search on Hoyer. 

We all reported him to our local PDs, FCC, FBI, BBB, and Linn.  The most effective/responsive seems to be the KC DA, Chris Kobach.  Search his website and report a consumer crime.  Someone got back to me pretty quickly and I suspect if there's more, they might move on him.  He's not hard to find - he steals in plain sight and it's just nobody does anything about it.

Please file with KCDA and KCPD if you can!

He also just lost a 5th case in Kansas Johnson Court system and there was another that seems to have dropped.  So now at least 6 victims we know of....

I personally would also drop a line to local news stations, investigative news reporters can drag this fellow and allegedly his spouse out of the shadows and into the light where they belong...

Aiden O’Connell is the future for The Raiders. Hope Hoyer resurfaces and you recover your funds.  Best of luck!