Some Lovers - World Premiere Recording - Bacharach / Sater

I’m hoping that someone can fill in more of the information about this new World Premiere Recording recently issued on BROADWAY Records.

Spoiler alert (well it’s not much of one)- the show is a "pop-driven" musical - a collection of songs. No thru-musical here. Anyone who appreciates Burt Bacharach will welcome these songs with open arms. They are a delight and deserve to be listened to many times over.

The actual show dates back to a London 2017 production- with work started a few years earlier. This recording is a large collection of performers including Kristin Chenoweth - and that too is just fine for celebrating this important songwriter.

The studio/concept recording is available on YouTube. I’ve chosen to not include a link as these 2016 live performances are a little more enjoyable to watch.

Have a listen and make up your own mind. For ANYTHING Bacharach, I’m an easy sell.








Some background on this show....


"Bacharach — in his first stage tuner since “Promises, Promises” in (can it be?) 1968 — provides sweet, soaring melodies for past and present incarnations of this mismatched pair, while eschewing his once-signature tricky time signatures (understandably, since the characters are so square)."




Will try and generate a small discussion on this worthwhile album by providing a link to Jennifer Holliday’s contribution to the album.