Solution for TV between speakers?

Like many of you my sound system is in the living room out of necessity. The speakers are well out in the room and the audio rack is set outside the speakers. Unfortunately, there is no place to put the 27" TV except between the speakers. Experimentation has shown next to the wall is the best spot. The stand is a C-stand which has a 5-legged base with a question mark shaped vertical post on which a shelf for the TV is attached. It was selected for its minimal mass and "art deco" look. Being at the point of tuning the room an idea occured to me and I'm curious if anyone else has tried it. The idea is to make a cloth "tube" lined with Sonex that would be wrapped around the TV and stand. This would make a floor length column ~4' high that would hopefully not only deaden any reverberations and reflections from the TV and stand, but also serve as a front wall treatment. Kind of like an oversized tube trap. Ideally it would open flat so it could be hung on the wall when the TV is in use. That way it would serve the secondary purpose of deadening the wall for HT (about 10% of the time). Anyone tried anything like this? Comments?

Showing 1 response by 1439bhr

I have similar situation. It helped to pull the speakers as far as possible forward into the room and to move a far apart as you can while maintaining good imaging. I also bought a Tact RCS 2.0 room correction processor and that made a significant improvement in terms of better imaging and articulation of the sound.