Solo Violin...suggestions.

I know nothing about classical oriented music, and neither do my friends.

I did like the movie "the Red Violin" and have the soundtrack. I believe the score is done by someone named Joshua Bell, or is it John Corigliano (might be the composer). Anyhow, quite enjoying it.

Any suggestions along this vein? Must have recordings.. kinda like the violin equivalent of Pink Floyd's DSOTM.

Solo cello suggestions would be good too. Classical guitar.


Showing 1 response by shadorne

I am not a fan of Joshua Bell but I do like Anne Sophie Mutter and yes the Pablo Sarasate arrangements are pretty exciting if you want a demo of violin. However, IMHO, violin is better as playing its part in an orchestra rather than profilled too prominently. Russian composers seems to have employed strings to great effect (think Prokofiev Romeo & Julliet). Brandburg Concertos are a must for someone getting into classical. Oh and don't forget BOND's version of "Winter" or better known as Quattro Staggioni by Vivaldi - BOND are best selling string quartet of all time - you'll never guess why unless you've seen a photo.