Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?

What do you guys think?

If transistors came first, and then decades later tubes were invented, would we have any tube amps we would call high end?

Wouldn’t they all fail to reach the height of performance and transparency set by transistor amps?



P.S. I love Conrad Johnson. I'm just wondering how  much of our arguments have to do with timing. 

Showing 1 response by gtechaudio60

I've owned Macintosh Solid state amps and have listened to Macintosh Tube amps. In my personal opinion the tube amps are more enjoyable to listen to. If transistor amps are superior or equal I don't think you would be seeing new production of old tube technology, specially given the cost. My current amp is a Music Reference RM-9. I think it also depends on what speakers you are listening to. I'm not saying high end transistor don't sound good, but given the choice it would be tube for me.