Solid state "backup" amp recommendation

Too hot to run my BAT VK-75SE all day on weekend during summer, like to have a solid state amp to fill that job instead. Will be a "backup" amp to my BAT, so can't spend a fortune on it. Budget can be $1k to $2.5k, it's a big range I know. Another criteria is XLR input so I don't need an adaptor.

Have tried Pass X-350, Rowland 8TiHC, McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe, Accuphase P-450, Levinson 331, Forte 4A and many others in the past, favorite was Forte for its musical and tube like sound especially considering its price. But I would like a little more power not to mention something newer for peace of mind.

Amps I am considering, Pass X-250, BAT VK-200/500, Classe CAM-200. What will you vote for? I am leaning toward Pass. Anything else I should consider?

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Ok, very diversed suggestions so far.

The 3 candidates I menioned above are safe bets, amps like Channel Island (or NuForce for that matter) are amps of the future and I am not sure if I am ready for the future :) Had a PS Audio HCA-2 before, though pleasant sounding it fell short on refinements. NuForce received raved reviews everywhere except Apogee forum where sub 1 ohm torture test on Scintilla nearly destroyed the NuForce. If I am old fashioned enough to use tubes, I can live with MOSFET or BJT.

McIntosh MC-122? Can't find one on Audiogon right now.
Thanks for the fine suggestions so far.

Heat is part of the reason I need a solid state, the other part is playing music all day on weekend for background really does not justify using the BAT. On top, I have gone thru more amps than listed above and I can honestly say I can NOT live with a solid state as my primary amp. So as good a suggestions as Stehno's is, solid state can only be my "backup" amp. In fact, I had VK-150 and had to downsize to single amp due to heat issue.

I have not heard the newer and better switching power amps like H2O and NuForce, so I don't know what I am missing. But those amps are still relatively new in technology I rather wait a couple more years before I commit big bucks on those.

So BAT VK-200 runs very hot like Pass? So hot you can't rest your hand on the unit for more than a second?
Ok, you guys are making a difficult decision more difficult. Before posting, I thought listing out the safe bets will help me narrow my choices but instead I now have more options than ever.

Fortunately, I am open minded and NuForce does have a demo unit out here in SF Bay Area. But if a BAT VK-200 showed up on Audiogon at a good price, I will still go for it.

I travel to Japan & Taiwan often, Usher (Taiwan) has a very good amp R-1.5 that mimics the older Threshold for very little money. But I can't figure out how to transport a 90lb amp back here as a luggage w/o paying stiff penalty.
A nice guy locally just offered both CI & NuForce for me to try in my system, how can I resist?

It will be fun to hear how new generation digital amps compared to old fashion tube triode. I did hear Rowland 502 in my system, I will just say I much prefer the BAT except in sound quantity. Let's hope CI & NuForce will change my mind about digital amps.
Jafox gets what I am talking about - reducing heat and tube wear during the day for background msuic. When late at night, I will switch back to tube amp, if I am in the mood, and listen critically.

Many have experiences on hot running solid state amps like BAT and Pass, but I can honestly say even hot solid state gears like Pass X350 does not heat up room as much as my BAT VK-75SE since I had one before. Less heat is even better if digital amp can deliver the goods, will report back once I hear CI and NuForce in person.
still haven't had a chance to hear CI or Nuforce, but weather is cooling down and urge to get that backup amp is fading.