Solid-State Preamp/Crossover

Can someone recommend a solid-state preamp with built-in *analog* crossover (two-way)?

Crossover point would need to be adjustable.

It seems these are rather scarce. Can anyone suggest anything, under around $6000 retail?

Showing 3 responses by paulfolbrecht

Thanks for the responses.

Rather than offering "all" xover points in an analog circuit, a few between, say, 60-100 Hz would serve the needs of many users, me included, and be practical.

I've used DSP and just never care for it in the long run. There is a cost.
Anyway what I'm doing now, DirecStream DAC into Marchand XM66, does sound excellent. I've wanted to avoid the DAC's internal attenuator but the cost of using it (over a higher-quality analog circuit) is probably minimal.

(But even PS told me it would sound better that way...)
That's what I'm doing now and it's non-optimal.

It's almost trivial to build a two-way analog crossover into a line stage. Much better to have both in one component if you do want to actively bi-amp, as I am.