Solid state DAC under 12K retail preferably with ethernet

Looking to upgrade from AMR DP-777 and go solid state.
These are the ones I know or read about: Bricasti, Berkeley, Aeris, DirectStream, ODSE, Meitner, Luxman DA-06

Am I missing any other important DACs I should be looking at or reading about?
Currently leaning towards Bricasti M1 SE.

Rest of my system: Coincident Frankenstein Mk 2 300b amps, Devore O96
I auditioned the SE version and thought it was outstanding.  Fortunately a friend of mine let me audition his gold version and although I had only a few listening hours it definitely had a more refined and natural sound.  Four months down the line I have no regrets in purchasing it.  Yes, it is expensive, but I have come to realize that in a very real sense it is also a bargain.  With the built in ethernet capability you do not need to purchase a separate network player as well as expensive cables.  The sound achieved with the network player is far superior to using a computer source and from my experience much better than using the Aurender N10.  That alone saves you $8000.  If you are considering the Limited  (gold) version i urge you to go for won't regret it.   Aside from the unit itself the customer support is excellent.  Also upgrades in software and hardware are significant and cost wise very reasonable.  
MSB Analog with the upgraded PSU
or Aesthetix Pandora Eclipse, tubes but sublime
Do not forget the real-time optimized DACs like Focusrite Rednet series (Dante protocol) or Merging Hapi or Merging NADAC (Ravenna protocol). 

Overdrive SX with Ethernet interface, as well as other interfaces, is going to Audiostream for review.  Review should be about 2 months out.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio