Solid State Amplification for Devore Nines?

Any devore nine owners here using SS amplification with these speakers and loving it? I don't want to deal with the heat or expense of tubes.

I listen to classical/vocals/electronic, and I am rather sensitive to shrill treble. My budget is $5k.
Edo, i have a computer-based system (Mac mini), so i am going to skip getting a preamp and run straight from the dac to the amp (either the new benchmark or halide hd).

That said, I am considering the modwright 100se .. Do you have any experience with this amp?
did you find an SS amp to meet your needs?
and what about preamp? or were you looking for an SS integrated?

I am using modwright 9.0 preamp and RWA audio 30.2 amp (battery) with my nines... a unique combo I know. works for me.
listening to indie rock, blues, R&B, electronica, some female vocal jazz and rock
Old YBA Passion Integre...unbelievable sound...grab it second hand if you can...also YBA Design amp is also excellent. Of course not as good as the Passion but much cheaper.
Try a modwright kwi 200.youll be glad you did.(just kidding).Right in your budget,200 a side(8ohms).I am really impressed with this unit,could have gone with anything..solid performer,great customer sevice.
Mr. Devore has demoed their speakers with amazing sound results using a Burmester integrated amp.
Luxman is an option, but they are way over budget. I have little experience with the Devore nines, i wish i know more models.
I used my Nagra PSA with my former Silverbacks, and demoed the Nines with the PSA as well. A very musical pairing with the Silverbacks and Nines IMHO. You should be able to pick up a used PSA in excellent condition for $5K or less.
I know nothing about Devore Nines--can't find them in Devore's site--but if their sensitivity is in the range of 85 - 90dB, I strongly recommend a pair of McCormack DNA-750s...$4995 new, delivered to you from Spearit Sound.

These are highly musical and resolved but NEVER harsh in the highs. Read Peter Moncrieff's review of the predecessor DNA-500 stereo amp...

All the good things the '500 is, the '750s are at least as good and maybe a little better. When I was considering these and a used c-j Premier 350, I talked to c-j's Lew Johnson. He said that the DNA-750s were the best-sounding amps ever to wear the McCormack brand and that the P350 is the best-sounding solidstate amp ever to wear the c-j brand.

Driving my V-steen 5As, the sound is effortless, musical, natural. My system has never sounded better, and I love the sounds of the '750s so much, I bought a McC DNA-HT5 to replace a bunch of old Marantz MA500s driving center and surround speakers.

Buy a pair--you won't be sorry.