Solid state amp to replace my Audio Research Ref 150 amp

I have owned an Audio Research Ref. 150 for 4 years, but with tube changes and the heat, I'd like to find a solid state amp that would mate well with my Baby Nola speakers, as well as be 100% reliable and have the great sound my AR amp has given me. The AR amp was originally recommended by the Nola designer, Carl Marschiotta. 

My listening tastes primarily range in jazz, classical, roots music, and Americana such as Jason Isbell. I do like to rock the house occasionally, but I greatly value the finesse I get from the AR 150, as well as the solid bass and dimensionally my amp provides in my system.

I don't want to replace my Audio Research preamp and phono preamp, so I am wishing for a solid state power amp that will fulfill my amplifier hopes, work with my other AR pieces an continue to provide me the pleasure my Audio Research amp has given me.

 I would like to pay less than $8k on AudiogoN.

Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


Showing 1 response by audioconnection

I have heard all of the above and all decent yet what you now have is in another league especially with your Nola speakers.
ARC is what Car Nolas designer Voices with and also loves I would stay the course with the Ref 150 and even upgrade it to the 150 SE its a superb improvement.
 Best JohnnyR