Solid state amp for Totem Model 1`s

Howdy folks
just wondering what kind of solid state amps people are using with their Model 1`s...I`m currently running tubes (modified Cary SLM 70`s)...wanted to try something different. Besides, they`re too damn hot in the summer (no air conditioning). Was considering McCormack, Edge, Sim, Pass (Aleph series?) but am open to any suggestion.
Am using a Modwright SWL-9.0 with the tubed power supply as a room is smallish, and I can`t crank it, but feel I need something that controls the bass better, and has the current to push these speakers - the dynamics are restricted.
The NAD C375BEE with MIT AVT 1 cabling for preamp out/main in connection....I use Totems as well. Warm, dynamic and palpable with great presence.
Having had experience of One Sig's a few years back and recently run Forests I'd highly recommend a look at the Muse range, Model 200 in my case. It drove the Forests beautifully and now that I'm running much higher end speakers the amp has been surprisingly up to the task. Its very neutral and with the Model Ones I'd expect like the Forests it'd offer quite an accurate monitor like presentation with great bass weight and tone. When the time comes to move up the speaker tree you'll be shocked at the rich, powerfull, transparent tonality that it can deliver. The One's are fun speakers hope you find something that works for you.
The Emotiva line seems impressive...let us know your take on the Forest/XPA 2 combo"O) Also, I'd like to mention that moving up the "speaker tree" does not always mean a better or more meaningful listening experience. I owned the $20K plus speaker systems and although they may have "more" of some aspects of music reproduction going for them, they did not move me as much as the Totem products I've owned.