Solid Maple vs Butcher Block

Does anyone have any experience with solid maple vs maple butcher block? Solid maple is expensive but there is a relatively local facility that manufacturers maple butcher block that is affordable. I can get 2.875" (or thinner) maple butcher block cut to my requirements.

I am specifically looking at the butcher block for speaker stands. Now my speakers are spiked through carpet onto concrete.

But any "real" experience would be appreciated. If someone has compared the two for turntable stands or amp stands I would appreciate their observations.

Showing 5 responses by don_s


Thank you for the response. Was Michigan Maple from a specific company? I did a search and several companies came up but they made cutting boards and counter tops.

What ways did either platform improve performance? What is your floor made of?
Thanks for the responses. Please keep them coming.

FYI, I already have some nice spikes to use under any platform I make from butcher block. MapleShade platforms also come with spikes.

Then with either solid maple or butcher block the speakers would have spikes sitting on disks to prevent scratching the maple.

I am not trying to raise the speakers. I am wondering if maple really does sound better than concrete.

I have proven to myself with three different speakers that spiked to concrete sounds better than not spiked. My curiosity is whether or not a platform (in this case maple) would be an improvement.

One issue I have with using a maple platform is that, while the platform would be spiked to concrete, the speakers would not be spiked directly to the maple. The speaker spikes would be on disks.

Downsides to platforms include cost, aesthetics, and increased complexity in moving speakers. Depending on whether or not I buy premade or use a DIY platform my speakers would be raised by 5-6". Not only would that change the sound by raising the tweeters but it would change the first reflection point for the bass. Aesthetically I prefer shorter speakers and the simple, clean look of nice spikes on carpet.

But those are issues I am willing to deal with if there is a definite sonic advantage to be gained by using platforms. DIY would involve significantly less money but significantly more time. And either DIY or premade would involve a real pain in the butt as far as installation goes.

Jl35, I am skeptical of manufacturer's claims. I have been fooled too many times. I am trying to get actual user experience. Thank you for the information on the improvement with the MS spikes.

Thank you. That is the kind of direct experience I was looking for. How did the speakers interface the maple? I mean spikes directly onto the wood or disks or something else.

How thick was the maple? 2" is a lot less expensive than 4" and aesthetically more acceptable for final speaker height.

I really like my speakers (Quad ESL-2805) so I am not trying to make up for any deficiency. I am merely trying to tweak them to their maximum potential since I consider them "keepers".
I hate when there is math involved. But just for the record, a 4" platform could also have 2" spikes. If no changes are made to the spikes or feet on the speakers then all drivers are raised by 6".