Soldering cable ends for AC terminations

Is it a good idea to cover the stranded cable ends with solder when assembling DIY AC cables or when sticking them in breakers in the AC panel? Some say it's not a good idea for high load connections as they may heat up and melt the solder. Is this true?

Showing 3 responses by jea48

>>"Solder is bad period"<<

Name me an electronic component out there that is not full of it! Solder that is.....
Solder is the electrical bonding agent that holds all the electrical connections together. Printed circuit boards could not exist without the use of solder to electrically connect electrical components to them.

Where solder can cause a problem is where it is used for tinning the ends of speaker cables and such. Solder does have a tendency to corrode on the outside where exposed to air and moisture. Beneath the surfice of the solder this is not a problem.
Eldartford, I agree with your post 100%. The method you describe was used in TVs for years, and found in some audio equipment as well.

As you know the old tube audio gear of the pre circuit board, the wire was held securely around a post or through a hole and doubled back for a metal to metal contact. The solder was only used to hold it in place. Solder has improved greatly. And as you know, solder is the only thing that holds resistors, caps, small power transformers, ect, to the circuit traces of a circuit board.
>>"and unaffected by nearby nuclear explosions, where solder would be melted by X-rays."<<

Eldartford, is it true that the Russians used vacuum tubes in their military equipment instead of transistors because tubes were not affected by the electromagnetic effect of a nuclear explosion?