Other option is to look for melting pots for folks who do metal artwork. They are relatively inexpensive, and are easy to use. as mentioned, by other posters, make sure you do the tinning outside. Also if you are tinning wires with hi temp coatings, or tough coatings, buy some koester tinning flux (especially made for solder pot tinning) which helps clean the wire down to bare copper.
The other question you need to ask is which solder to put in the solder pot. You are going to need a lot of it; several pounds. I'd suggest koester 63/37 bar stock; available from on line eletronic parts houses; mouser, digikey etc.
The main advantage of using a solder pot vs. a high wattage iron, is the total available heat capacity and the lack of oxygen present when tinning. With a solder pot, the tinning is performed submersed on liquid solder, so not much oxygen is present.
The other question you need to ask is which solder to put in the solder pot. You are going to need a lot of it; several pounds. I'd suggest koester 63/37 bar stock; available from on line eletronic parts houses; mouser, digikey etc.
The main advantage of using a solder pot vs. a high wattage iron, is the total available heat capacity and the lack of oxygen present when tinning. With a solder pot, the tinning is performed submersed on liquid solder, so not much oxygen is present.