Sold Polk lsi15 now what?

I have a cayin kt88 tube amp for my second system, I decided to sell my Polk audio lsi15 that were ok but not the sound I was looking for,
Now I have 800 us but I don't know how far I could go in the use market to replace them with some more sonically fulfilling and enjoyable speakers!

I mostly listen to jazz and classic rock!

Before I jump Into the wrong piece i would like to hear from the audiogone community!

Showing 1 response by brazillm

I agree with Mechans that you should elaborate on what you are looking for in terms of sound. In a previous life I sold hifi and Polk was one of the brands we carried. the LSI15s were a nice speaker when driven with enough power clean power to control that 10' woofer (150+ solid state watts). You may have been underpowering them. I ultimately chose Focal 816s because I liked their brighter treble and quicker, tighter bass presentation that could be driven by a nice Japanese surround receiver.