Soffit construction, worthwhile?

Currently considering redoing the room. Planning to redo the traps and diffusors along the walls and corners. The soffit contruction would incur significant inconvenience and cost?

Is the Soffir project worthwhile and what is the sonic benefit?

Showing 1 response by davehrab

When the sound pressure from your speakers hits a wall not only does it reflect back into the room, but a certain portion of the energy travels along the wall's surfaces ... this is referred to as laminar flow

When the pressure wave from the laminar flow of any and all walls meets with the pressure wave of the laminar flow from the ceiling at the wall/ceiling interface ... the output is summed and greatly increased due to the combining of the two energy waves and is reflected back into the room increasing the delay/decay times (RT60's) over and above what they should be

The increased RT60 times is perceived as a ringing and needs to be absorbed and reduced to the normal RT60 levels for the room ... also this extra energy reflected back into the room is out of time and phase similar to the first reflection off the side walls but with twice as much energy as it is the sum of the side walls and the ceiling ... side wall and floor interfaces can also aggravate this condition ... but lets keep it simple for now.

Back in the early 90's when I ventured into Home Theater I drove my self crazy swapping IC's, speaker cables, power conditioners, and amps before I realized that the room was a component and needed to be treated

Even after applying treatments for first reflections on the side walls and base traps in the corners I still had a harsh irritating sound and didn't know where to turn

I called ASC whose treatments I was using and after describing my room and set up ... without hesistation Chris said fix the wall ceiling interface and the harshness will go away

Their recommendation was encircled the perimeter of the room at the wall/ceiling interface with ASC sound flags ... which I did and the problem was corrected immediately

They now have a new product ... a soffit type box treatment ... Soffit Treatments ... that may be even more effective and is much more WAF acceptable ... my room with the Sound Flags looks like House and Garden's meets Hell's Kitchen

You may also want to take a step back and before applying any room treatment perform an MATT (Musical Articulation Test Tone ) test (about $75) ... which will tell you what your problem frequencies are and exactly how much treatment your room will require

Here is info on MATT Test

Also remember every room has at least 5 major issues that need to be addressed before your equipment can rise to it's fullest potential

Bass peaks and valleys and extended Bass modal ringing, first reflections (don't forget ceilings and floors), RT60/decay time, Echo Slap and Comb filtering

Plenty of good reading at Ethan Winer's Real Traps site and the ASC site ... spend some time with the Pros ...basic room treatments ... before you spend your money

You now have the "Keys to the Kingdom" free of charge