So why was the Krell KPS 28c discontinued?

I was looking at a CES 2003 show report and it mentioned that as of January 2003, the KPS 28c was discontinued. Is this true and if so, why was it so soon after launch (less than 2 years) with no equivalent product out yet to replace it?


Showing 2 responses by wvick

I emailed Krell about about a month ago and asked if a replacement for the KPS 28c was in the works. This is their reply:

Thank you for your e-mail.
There will be a replacement for the Krell KPS 28c, and I expect it will include SACD capability. We are working on that project now. Unfortunately, I do not have an estimate of when it will be ready or how much it will cost.
Ovature, yours must have had some parts missing if it only weighed 17 lbs. Maybe that accounts for why it sounded like crap and the top did not fit.