So Many Apogees for sale, and so few takers

There seems to be a plethora of Apogee speakers for sale here on Audiogon lately. I've been regularly searching for used Apogees in my area for the last 2 years, and have seen few if any come up for sale. Yes, I finally snagged a pair of mint Duetta Sig's.

But all of a sudden there are more than several over the last few months, but the ad's seem to linger for a long time. I would think people would jump on these speakers - there are few speakers out there today that can do what these do, regardless of their age.

Signs of a withering economy?
Just a summer slump?

Showing 1 response by jwm

Jason Bloom of Apogee was the biggest jerk I ever met in audio. When you would walk into his room at CES he was so arrogant and he would not let you play music you knew well. He was the kind of person you would want to kick in the ass. The exact opposite of say Jeff Rowland. The best I have heard them were with two Classe 25 watt all class A amplifiers. I liked them better than when I heard the speakers with Krell or Threshold. Another good amp sound was with the original Meitner Amps.