So Many Apogees for sale, and so few takers

There seems to be a plethora of Apogee speakers for sale here on Audiogon lately. I've been regularly searching for used Apogees in my area for the last 2 years, and have seen few if any come up for sale. Yes, I finally snagged a pair of mint Duetta Sig's.

But all of a sudden there are more than several over the last few months, but the ad's seem to linger for a long time. I would think people would jump on these speakers - there are few speakers out there today that can do what these do, regardless of their age.

Signs of a withering economy?
Just a summer slump?

Showing 1 response by gopher

everything is slow in the summer too. In february I listed my Von Schweikert VR-33s for sale and had 5 people ready to commit in 48 hours before I reconsidered and decided to re-evaluate things. I listed the same VR-33s now in late July and barely any interest... I think folks just focus on the hobby less durring fairer weather.