So just how much vinyl do YOU own?

Let's hear some numbers!

And when do you think you might have enough to last your lifetime?

Or is it like horsepower ... Too much is never enough!

Do you have regular clearouts or just keep adding until the floorboards start to creak!

All just for fun people!

Showing 3 responses by reubent

About 800. I'm trying to keep the size of my collection reasonable (for me). I've been taking records to my LRS and trading/upgrading. I come home with fewer records than I took with me. 
@tomic601 - Thanks. Personally, I don't see a reason to have records I know I will never listen to again. I take the opportunity to trade them toward records I will enjoy, hopefully for years to come. I guess I'm less of a collector and more of a consumer of music media. I'm not knocking collectors. It's just not my thing.
Well, I now own 20 more records than I did this morning! Stopped in one of my LRS's and they had the dollar bin on sale - 10 for $1. Spent $2 and walked out with 20 LPs. Now comes the hard part. Cleaning, listening, culling. 

Sticking to plan, I need to remove at least as many records as I picked up. So, hopefully I'll keep a few and trade the rest for better records.