So I just bought a Hegel H390 and

I am building a new system and I just bought a H-390.  It should arrive by the end of the week.  I want to get new to me speakers to go with it. So if you’ve have or have had a Hegel H-390 or a H-590,  what speakers under $10.000 sounded the best.  And I guess I should probably get some wires also.  Nothing crazy, but not zip cord.


I recently demoed a pair of Fink Team KIMs. I highly recommend you see if you can demo them as well. They use an AMT tweeter that creates an incredibly atmospheric soundstage. The KIMs completely disappeared into the background. They have low impedance but the Hegal should have no trouble driving them. I wish I knew about them when I was shopping for speakers in this price range a year ago.
Depending on your room and musical tastes, consider auditioning Maggies — .7i or 1.7i
The Hegel is a solid meaty sounding unit. Among many stand out speakers, consider a look a the new Audio Physic Tempo 35.  It is quality through and through, well balanced, and transparent in a rewardingly musical way.
I have owned an H390 for a while now. It sounded great with my ProAc 2.5 Response speakers. Legends in their own time. I Upgraded to Audio Physic Tempos and couldn’t be happier (well that’s not true, I’m sure I could be happier but you know what I mean.)

I was pleased to note that Audio Physic makes one of the speakers in rotation at the HEGEL offices.
I've driven the usher be20dmd, persona 7f, kanta 3, VA strauss, salon 1 and salon 2 and currently the Kef Blades and the only speakers the H360 couldn't manage were the salon 2. Unless I can score a H590 I'm set.