So how do these new bots make money?

One thing I'm rather curious about is how the new batch of bots get monetized. A lot of them seem to be... generic buzz creators like... "hey why is brand Z not talked about more?? "

And yeah,  clearly they are either automated or at least, not sincere.  I'm curious how they get paid though.  I mean, if you are a reputable manufacturer of consumer goods, do you pay for stuff like that??


Showing 2 responses by vonhelmholtz

I don’t know about this site, but state actors work hard to shape public opinion and they must seem human and with a massive presence.


State actors would be promoting disruptive opinions on political, social and news sites. What’s going on here is either kids with too much free time, or other agents refining their ability to seem relevant and human. The rest of us rarely try to seem human, nor relevant:)