Snell CIV woofer?

I have a pair of these speakers, and one woofer is in need of replacement. Snell has no replacements, said they will no longer have a replacement. My quesitons is:

does anyone here know where I could get one of these woofers?

Thanks for your help-


Showing 5 responses by rpeluso

Thanks for this info. The woofer is not in need of reconing, I don't think. I replaced it a few months back with one from Snell, and it "blats" when driven to sort-of loud levele, but the original woofer in the other speaker does not, so this severely limits how loud I can play music, most especially music with a nice bass.

Where is meniscis audio?

They have tweeters and mid range drivers, no woofers remaining. At least that's what I have heard from several folks there.
Joe-who did you speak with? I have spoken with three or 4 people there, all tell me the same thing. No CIV woofers left.
Joe-I think the issue COULD be that my driver is 25 cm, and they have only 26 cm drivers in stock. I would need to enlarge the hole, or have the driver made smaller.