Snell AIIIi's?? How good are they??

Read some past reviews of the Snell AIIIi's. Stereophile had called it possibly the best dynamic box design speaker of it's time. Sounds Like loved the bid Snells too. Anyone have a pair? And what is a good price to pay for a used pair? The retail was around $6K when Snell stopped making them.

Showing 1 response by frogman

Yes, I would say the AIIIi’s are that good. To this day, one of my favorite sounds heard from a dynamic speaker; not that I’ve heard all, but have heard many of the contenders from that era. Ever since hearing a pair driven by VTL monos at the old Sound by Singer I have lusted after a pair. Not the kind of “electrostatic-like....for a box” sound that many more modern dynamic speakers seem to go for these days (with limited success, IMO), but detailed in a natural way, dynamic, beautifully full mids, great bass and image density; and that hard to describe ability to let one sink into the music and not worry about about those very things. Wide and stable imaging, if not the best front to back. Twice I have considered buying a used pair, but both pair would have needed woofer reconing and I got cold feet. Make sure that you inspect the woofer cones before buying. Personally, if in great shape, I would pay up to $2K for a nice pair. Good luck.