Snell AIIIi's?? How good are they??

Read some past reviews of the Snell AIIIi's. Stereophile had called it possibly the best dynamic box design speaker of it's time. Sounds Like loved the bid Snells too. Anyone have a pair? And what is a good price to pay for a used pair? The retail was around $6K when Snell stopped making them.

Showing 2 responses by aardvark

they were ok speakers when they were 1st sold, presenting a larger soundstage than many of their price-point competitors. i came close to buying a pair but found them after several long auditions to be somewhat boomy on the bottom and too forward for my taste. plus, they couldn't touch the imaging quality of the british monitors i eventually purchased instead (this was 3 systems ago). i've heard some later model snells more recently. they retain the characteristics i remembered on the aiii's. i wouldn't pay >$500 for a used mint pair.
rev_joe: you wanna believe your originally-priced-but-always-discounted $5k speaks are now worth $20K, go ahead, knock yourself out. why are there few for sale? 'cuz few were sold. could it be that's a major reason snell was absorbed by boston? duh.