Smoothest and best sounding turntable/cartridge combo up to $1600??

As the title of the thread reads, I am looking for recommendation for the best and smoothest sounding turntable/cartridge combo up to $1600.  I am replacing a restored and recently upgraded Thorens TD-145 turntable with a Audio Technica brand new 440MLb cartridge. I am finding that floating suspension turntables require more isolation against floor vibration.  Other than that, the table is very good. 

I also would prefer a more contemporary design.

Note: I will probably put the the Thorens on sale after reading the comments and recommendations to this thread.  Thank you for your feedback  


Showing 1 response by limomangus

I have a Nad c588 with Ortofon Blu. Got it for $700 veryhappy...list was 900 plus 200....$1,100...